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Poor waste management has been named as one of the major causes of floods in our country. Each year, we produce one million tons of plastic waste with 28 percent and 23 percent ending up on land and sea respectively. This is our sad reality and it only goes to prove that so much more can be done.
As a futuristic business, we want to play our role today to save our tomorrow. Our mission is to provide eco friendly and sustainable packaging solutions to businesses and individuals, and to adopt a #Greenisthenewnormallifestyle. It goes beyond business for us; it is our conscious effort towards creating a future of hope. Send us an email, and let’s see how we can help.
#smeghana #greenpackaging#compostablepackaging#foodpackaging#biodegradablepackaging#sustainableGhana #bagmepackaging



The problem we face.

One million tons of plastic waste in Ghana each year?That’s a major concern and enough motivation for us.

2020 taught us to make better choices today in order to secure a better future. We have learnt that no matter how unknown the future is, we can play our part by making informed choices. For us, it means that we choose Sustainable, Recyclable, Reusable, or biodegradable packaging options.

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Take a step in the right direction by consciously making earth-friendly choices. Tiny changes will become big ones. Change starts with you. Be the change the world desperately needs! No it’s not costly. The facts you see are.



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